

Trump Gets McKinley’s Tariffs Wrong

February 06, 2025 |

President Trump has a man crush on a predecessor. It isn’t Washington, Jefferson or Lincoln but William McKinley.


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February 23, 2011 |
During the past eight days, thousands of Wisconsin teachers walked out of classrooms, shutting down schools. Tens of thousands of public employees staged an apparent wildcat strike, flooding Wisconsin's state capital in a round-the-clock protest....
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February 19, 2011 |
There will be a budget deal, but only after President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi have milked the crisis for every cheap political point they can....
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February 16, 2011 |
President Obama's 2012 budget is not a serious governing document. It's a political one, designed to boost his re-election chances....
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February 09, 2011 |
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin likes to taunt his Republican colleagues, arguing that ObamaCare can't be repealed because 60 votes are required to end debate in the Senate on any measure....
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February 02, 2011 |
ObamaCare has recently been dealt three body blows. Speaker John Boehner pushed a bill to repeal it through the House. GOP leader Mitch McConnell will get to put Senate Democrats on record with a vote on repeal as well. And this week, U.S. District Jud...
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January 26, 2011 |
President Barack Obama's State of the Union address and Rep. Paul Ryan's Republican response offer competing visions of the country....
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January 19, 2011 |
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid described this week's House vote to repeal and replace ObamaCare as "partisan grandstanding." Other Democratic congressmen called it "a political scam," "unfortunate" and "fruitless."...
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January 17, 2011 |
All but a handful of the 168 members of the Republican National Committee (RNC) wanted Michael Steele out, but the race for GOP chairman still took six ballots....

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