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December 07, 2011 |
With the Iowa caucuses just 26 days away, the Republican presidential contest is now a two-man race. According to this week's Gallup poll, the two candidates with the broadest appeal to GOP voters are former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former Massachu...
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November 30, 2011 |
According to a recent New York Times article, President Barack Obama and his aides believe he can win re-election mostly by mixing "the combativeness of Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1936 drive" with the "anti-Congress zeal of Harry S. Truman's 1948 campaign."...
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November 28, 2011 |
Worth Noting
It was because he was going to retire anyway, lost a favorite port town in redistricting and had a tough race last time. Was this really why Congressman Barney Frank announced today he’s retiring from the House of Representatives? Perhaps another reason...
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November 16, 2011 |
My nine hunting companions last weekend in South Texas didn't look particularly special. Ranging from early-30s to mid-40s, they could be mistaken for the young doctor down the street, the general manager of the car dealership, the guy who builds custom m...
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November 09, 2011 |
Events of the past week may offer a glimpse of what lies ahead for the GOP and for a beleaguered president and his party. Two Ohio ballot propositions showed the Buckeye State remains a bellwether of American politics....
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November 02, 2011 |
With the Iowa caucuses 62 days away and Election Day 2012 only a year off, President Obama's prospects look perilous. Yet the GOP contest remains volatile....
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October 30, 2011 |
Worth Noting
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. -- The presidential election is one year from tomorrow, and the U.S. economy will likely be the top issue for voters.      It was also the subject of Regent University's ninth annual "Clash of the Titans" debate this weekend in Virgini...
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October 26, 2011 |
According to Mark Knoller, CBS Radio News White House Correspondent, President Obama has attended 60 campaign fund-raisers this year. That's one every four days since he kicked off his re-election on April 4. By comparison at this point in 2003, President...

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