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February 09, 2011 |
Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin likes to taunt his Republican colleagues, arguing that ObamaCare can't be repealed because 60 votes are required to end debate in the Senate on any measure....
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February 07, 2011 |
Worth Noting
Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid has recently attacked Republicans over the upcoming vote on raising the debt ceiling, saying, “We can’t back out on the money we owe the rest of the world. We can’t do as the Gingrich crowd did a few years ago, close ...
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February 02, 2011 |
ObamaCare has recently been dealt three body blows. Speaker John Boehner pushed a bill to repeal it through the House. GOP leader Mitch McConnell will get to put Senate Democrats on record with a vote on repeal as well. And this week, U.S. District Jud...
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February 01, 2011 |
Worth Noting
A federal judge ruled Monday that President Obama's "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" aka "ObamaCare" is unconstitutional and in violation of the Commerce Clause. I'm posting Judge Roger Vinson's opinion here. (PDF Download)...
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February 01, 2011 |
Worth Noting
Contrary to what I said in a posting on Fox News Opinion Tuesday that Atlantic Media Company hosted a going-away party for retiring White House senior adviser David Axelrod, Atlantic Media President Justin Smith e-mailed me to say the company “did not hos...
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January 31, 2011 |
Worth Noting
Two small episodes Saturday night and Monday morning were deeply revealing about the culture of official Washington now. Keith Koffler wrote about the first Sunday for “White House Dossier.” Atlantic Media — publisher of The Atlantic, National Journal, a...
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January 26, 2011 |
President Barack Obama's State of the Union address and Rep. Paul Ryan's Republican response offer competing visions of the country....
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January 25, 2011 |
Worth Noting
President Obama gave more of a campaign speech than a governing address Tuesday night when he delivered his State of the Union message. Rather than offer any concrete prescriptions for the big issues the country faces, Mr. Obama offered soothing rhetoric...

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