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June 29, 2010 |
At last week's G-20 meeting, President Barack Obama achieved a two-fer. He suffered a significant international defeat, and he increased the chances his party will suffer a major domestic one this fall....
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June 22, 2010 |
Democrats are acknowledging they'll lose ground in the midterms....
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June 20, 2010 |
Worth Noting
On June 17th I submitted a letter to the editor to The New York Times responding to Gail Collins’ incorrect claim in her June 16th piece that President George W. Bush told America to "go shopping" after 9-11. The New York Times has refused to publish my l...
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June 15, 2010 |
In his brilliant exposition of why sweeping policy changes often have unintended consequences, the late sociologist Robert K. Merton wrote that leaders get things wrong when their "paramount concern with the foreseen immediate consequences excludes the...
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June 09, 2010 |
President Obama is using the new Arizona immigration law to advance a central White House preoccupation: his reelection....
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June 08, 2010 |
When Barack Obama announced he was running for president in February 2007, Nathan Gonzales of the Rothenberg Political Report wrote "Obama's history of voting 'present'" in Springfield, Ill.—even on some of the most controversial and politically explos...
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June 02, 2010 |
Worth Noting
President Barack Obama enjoyed a 68% approval rating from Americans in the first Gallup Poll job approval rating of his administration. Considering he now sits at 46% and 45% in polls like Gallup and Rasmussen, respectively, what has been the trend in his...
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June 01, 2010 |
White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod argued earlier this year that health-care reform would become more popular after it passed, boosting Democrats in the midterm elections....

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