Placeholder article
May 25, 2010 |
As President Obama prepares to return to the Gulf Coast Friday, he is receiving increasing criticism for his handling of the oil spill....
Placeholder article
May 18, 2010 |
The temptation for politicians and political analysts is to draw broad, sweeping conclusions from election results....
Placeholder article
May 11, 2010 |
The 2010 midterm elections will be bad for Democrats....
Placeholder article
May 05, 2010 |
Let's get rid of exit polls. I hate 'em....
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May 05, 2010 |
Last Saturday, Americans were again instructed on their political manners by their Moralizer in Chief....
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April 28, 2010 |
Worth Noting
On Tax Day, rather than offer an explanation on why the Obama Administration has broken its 2008 campaign pledge not to raise taxes on families making less than $250,000 a year, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer took to the White House blog...
Placeholder article
April 28, 2010 |
President Barack Obama's speech last week at New York Cooper's Union showcased two unattractive verbal leitmotifs....
Placeholder article
April 21, 2010 |
This is a season of discontent for congressional Democrats....

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