Placeholder article
August 26, 2009 |
President Barack Obama was wise to vacation this week on Martha's Vineyard. ...
Placeholder article
August 19, 2009 |
For more than two years, House Judiciary Committee Democrats and the New York Times editorial board have argued that I personally arranged for Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman to be prosecuted in 2004 for corruption and ordered the removal of eight U.S. attorne...
Placeholder note
August 18, 2009 |
Worth Noting
The Executive Branch might claim that lobby restrictions for federal employees are very narrow as applied to White House Staff, but Section 1913 of title 18 of the attached memo, shows that has never been the view of Congress. The Obama Administration's p...
Placeholder note
August 17, 2009 |
Worth Noting
A commercial mobile phone company and its affiliates have recently used Karl Rove's name and likeness without his permission to promote their products. Certain advertisements have falsely attributed statements to Mr. Rove. Mr. Rove has not participated in...
Placeholder article
August 12, 2009 |
Team Obama is suffering from Extended Campaign Syndrome. In an election, campaign staffers are often just trying to survive until the next week or the next primary....
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August 10, 2009 |
Worth Noting
I welcome the release of my House Judiciary Committee interviews and accompanying documents. They show politics played no role in the Bush Administration’s removal of U.S. Attorneys, that I never sought to influence the conduct of any prosecution, and tha...
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August 05, 2009 |
Americans are now seeing the damage that polls and focus groups can inflict on White House decision-making....
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July 29, 2009 |
On the campaign trail last year, Barack Obama promised to end the “politics of fear and cynicism.”...

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