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July 25, 2009 |
Worth Noting
TALKER -- THE VICE PRESIDENT HAS AN OP-ED IN THE TIMES -- “What You Might Not Know About the Recovery,” by Joe Biden: “The actions we took — passing the Recovery Act, stabilizing the banking system, pressing to get credit flowing again and helping respons...
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July 23, 2009 |
Worth Noting
Here's an interesting read—The Democratic Pay-Go Legislation: A Facade of Fiscal Responsibility (PDF download) from the Republican Caucus Committee on the Budget. This Democratic "Pay-Go" bill rewrites the statutory pay-as-you-go system that expired in 20...
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July 22, 2009 |
Polls are turning against President Barack Obama’s health-care plan. The political calendar is, too. ...
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July 15, 2009 |
So what's a president to do when the promises he made about his economic stimulus program fail to materialize? ...
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July 11, 2009 |
Worth Noting
A year ago this Sunday, former White House press secretary Tony Snow died after a valiant battle against colon cancer.I remember that day in almost all of its detail. I had just returned from Japan after President George W. Bush’s final G-8 meeting. I had...
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July 08, 2009 |
In February, President Barack Obama signed a $787 billion stimulus bill while making lavish promises about the results. ...
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July 01, 2009 |
At a dinner last week in California, I was reminded of the debt we owe to those who have, for 233 years, sustained our freedom and independence....
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June 24, 2009 |
While still good, President Barack Obama's political health is deteriorating, threatened by what he thought would be balm -- his ambitious plan for a government takeover of health care....

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