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January 14, 2009 |
Worth Noting
I've received several emails in response to my December 26 WSJ Op-Ed, "Bush is a Book Lover," asking for a list of the books President Bush and I read during our book competition or, failing that, some recommendations of volumes I particularly enjoyed. Wh...
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January 13, 2009 |
Worth Noting
In my January 8 WSJ Op-Ed I wrote about President Bush's efforts to rein in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and quoted several Democrats who spoke critically of the regulatory powers being sought by the Bush Administration.The following is a sampling of critic...
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January 13, 2009 |
Worth Noting
President Bush is naming a high-powered staff to launch him on a productive post-presidency that, at least at first, will be busy behind the scenes and quiet on the surface.The Office of George W. Bush will be in Dallas, near his presidential library at S...
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January 10, 2009 |
Worth Noting
If you asked Americans to list President Bush's foreign policy and national security accomplishments, you'd likely get some laughs - surely some snarky comments. Perhaps, at best, a short list. But, in truth, there are a number of great successes. So a...
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January 08, 2009 |
Worth Noting
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January 07, 2009 |
Mythmaking is in full swing as the Bush administration prepares to leave town. Among the more prominent is the assertion that the housing meltdown resulted from unbridled capitalism under a president opposed to all regulation....
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January 01, 2009 |
This holiday season, home in Texas and surrounded by close friends and family, I often found myself thinking about virtual strangers....
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December 31, 2008 |
Worth Noting
George W. Bush will end his presidency in retreat, forced to compromise on several fronts. Free-market economics have given way to massive government bailouts, and an assertive, unilateral foreign policy has yielded to one more attuned to world opinion. B...

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