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July 30, 2008 |
In a race supposedly dominated by the economy, both Barack Obama and John McCain have spent a lot of time talking about Iraq. Why? Because both men have Iraq problems that are causing difficulties for their campaigns....
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July 30, 2008 |
Worth Noting
Ben Stein says he knows how Sen. John McCain can win in November: Karl Rove.That's right, that Karl Rove.At a time when McCain is seeking to distance himself from President Bush, Stein argues McCain needs to enlist Bush's chief political guru in order to ...
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July 30, 2008 |
Worth Noting
In a New York Times story online (see, Democrats Call for Contempt Charges Against Rove), David Stout writes, "Mr. Rove has repeatedly stated - though not before Congress and not under oath - that he had no involvement in the Siegelman case…”Mr. Stout is ...
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July 28, 2008 |
Ask Americans who they think of when they hear the words “talk radio,” and chances are they’ll say “Rush Limbaugh.” For 20 years Rush has been the leader of a very long parade of listeners -- educating, engaging, energizing, and even occasionally outragin...
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July 23, 2008 |
John McCain and Barack Obama have both changed positions in this campaign. That's OK. Voters understand that politicians can and, sometimes, should change their views. After all, voters do. Witness the wide swings in their answers to opinion polls....
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July 21, 2008 |
Worth Noting
Honoring the President's executive privilege and acting with White House approval, Karl Rove responded to Judiciary Committee questions about the prosecution of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman.Letter from Lamar Smith dated 7/15/08Karl Rove's response da...
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July 16, 2008 |
Elections are often reshaped by unexpected and fast-moving events, and when this happens a candidate who quickly takes the lead on the new issue can bolster his chances to win. There is such an opportunity now for Barack Obama and John McCain with the cri...
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July 09, 2008 |
For a campaign that says it wants to end the politics of the Bush-Cheney years, the Obama for President effort has cribbed an awful lot from the Bush-Cheney playbooks of 2000 and 2004....

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