President Barack Obama enjoyed a 68% approval rating from Americans in the first Gallup Poll job approval rating of his administration. Considering he now sits at 46% and 45% in polls like Gallup and Rasmussen, respectively, what has been the trend in his...
On Tax Day, rather than offer an explanation on why the Obama Administration has broken its 2008 campaign pledge not to raise taxes on families making less than $250,000 a year, White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer took to the White House blog...
I was happy to talk about the U.S. Census this week and encourage all Americans to fill out their Census forms. The U.S. Census is not only an important way to ensure fair representation in Congress, it is also a vital part of our history. One of my favor...
Our thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by the tragic earthquake in Haiti. Anyone who has seen coverage of the devastating aftermath cannot help but be moved by what has engulfed the poorest nation in our hemisphere. We should also keep in our pra...
Wishing you a very happy holiday and wonderful New Year! Especially grateful for all our service men and women who are spending their holidays away from their families and friends to keep ours safe. They are in our thoughts and prayers! Thank you for your...
On December 8th, I went on The O’Reilly Factor to discuss President Obama’s trip to Copenhagen and to respond to critics of the Bush Administration’s green record. As I explained to Bill, many of President Obama’s targets to reduce greenhouse gases and in...
"Courage and Consequence" will be published on March 9, 2010. For those of you interested in giving my book as a Christmas gift, I'm offering a free autographed bookplate to anyone who sends a self-addressed stamped envelope to my office: Karl Rove & ...
On November 24, I brought out the whiteboard on Fox’s “Happening Now” to explain how the Democrats’ proposed health care reform bills would cause insurance premiums to skyrocket. As promised, I’ve posted the links to the reports, studies...