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October 28, 2009 |
Democratic enthusiasm for President Barack Obama's liberal domestic agenda—particularly for a government-run health insurance program—could wane after the results of the gubernatorial elections next Tuesday in Virginia and New Jersey....
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October 21, 2009 |
In an interview with CNN's John King on Sunday, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said President Obama is now asking tough questions about Afghanistan "that have never been asked on the civilian side, the political side, the military side and the st...
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October 14, 2009 |
Now that the Senate Finance Committee has voted for the health-care bill drafted by Montana Democratic Sen. Max Baucus, negotiations over the real bill can begin in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's cozy Capitol hideaway....
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October 10, 2009 |
Republican Bob McDonnell's growing lead shows that, although Democrat Creigh Deeds beat better-funded, better-known primary opponents, he had no idea what to do in the general election....
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October 07, 2009 |
Passing health-care reform could be harmful to the health of congressional Democrats....
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September 30, 2009 |
So our top commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, has told CBS's "60 Minutes" that he has spoken with President Barack Obama only once since June. ...
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September 23, 2009 |
It sounded to White House advisers like a good idea. Put President Barack Obama on five Sunday morning talk shows. ...
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September 20, 2009 |
White House aides think President Obama has infinite charm and persuasion. They're wrong. ...

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