Polling News

Is The Democratic Tent Too Big For The Party?

January 16, 2020

Radical left darling Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently said the Democratic Party had “too big a tent,” suggesting it could afford to sluff off more traditional Democrats.  Is she correct?  Gallup determined that Democratic voters fall into three categories: Centrists (27% of party), Progressives (20%), and Democratic Base (39%).  

Among Centrists, 24% say they are “total liberal,” 55% say “moderate” and 21% “total conservative.”  Of the Progressives, 50% say they are “total liberal,” 35% “moderate,” and 14% are “total conservative.” Of the Democratic Base, 44% say they are “total liberal,” 42% “moderate,” and 13% “total conservative.”

The Democratic Base is the most enthusiastic of these groups about voting this fall, with 73% saying they’re “more enthusiastic” about voting.  Only 65% of Centrists and 63% of Progressives said they’re “more enthusiastic” about voting.

While AOC laments that her party is too spread out on the ideological spectrum, it is the Democratic Base, evenly split between moderates and liberals, that’s more likely to show up in November, compared to AOC’s Progressives, at least today.


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