Polling News

Americans Frustrated with Lack of Leadership

October 07, 2021

As Congress debates the debt ceiling, the bipartisan infrastructure bill and the Administration’s “Build Back Better” package, Americans are growing impatient with the lack of progress. Recent polling from The Economist and YouGov conducted Oct. 3-5 shows that Congressional approval has fallen to a low of 17%, with 63% disapproval. That’s a 20-point drop in approval from a Harvard-Harris poll conducted in mid-September. Only 9% of Republicans approve of the Congress’s job performance, and only 8% of independents and 36% of Democrats approve.

When asked if Congress had accomplished more or less than usual at this point in its two-year term, 43% of voters picked less than the usual while 20% said its accomplishments were about the same.  Only 10% believe Congress has accomplished more than the usual amount. Sixty-one percent of Republicans, 45% of independents and 24% of Democrats believe less than the normal amount of work is getting done.

When asked who’s to blame for Congress’s lack of progress, 43% of voters blame the Democratic majorities in both chambers. Only 19% blame Republicans, while 35% believe that both parties are to blame. Unsurprisingly, 60% of Democrats blame Republicans in Congress, while 66% of Republicans blame Democrats. Most importantly, 39% of independents blame the Democratic majorities, while 12% fault Republicans and 45% blame both parties.

Democrats are having a difficult time getting things done, despite holding the House, the Senate and the White House. If this situation continues, it will be tough for them to make the case they should maintain control in next year’s Midterm Elections.

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