Polling News

Americans Move Away From Impeachment

December 12, 2019

On Tuesday, House Democrats filed Articles of Impeachment against President Donald Trump. However, as coverage of the Democratic drive to remove the president has dominated news for the past few weeks, public opposition to removing the president from office grew, according to the Quinnipiac poll.

In early October following news of the president’s Ukrainian call, the public was split with 47% saying he should be impeached and removed from office and 47% saying he should not be. By the end of October, 48% of Americans said the president should be impeached, with 46% opposed. But today, as the Judiciary Committee prepares to vote out the impeachment resolution, a majority of Americans (51%) believe the president should not be impeached, while just 45% believe he should be.

When the House takes up the vote on impeachment, it will be important to watch the thirty-­‐‑one Democratic representatives who must run re-­‐‑election campaigns in districts Mr. Trump won in 2016. Democrats like Reps. Max Rose (NY-­‐‑11) and Joe Cunningham (SC-­‐‑01), whose districts Mr. Trump won by ten and thirteen points, respectively, have a difficult choice to make: Side with their party’s left-­‐‑wing base and vote to impeach the president, or stand with their Districts and vote against. They can thank Speaker Nancy Pelosi for putting them in the lose-­‐‑lose situation.

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