According to Gallup’s daily tracking of presidential job approval ratings, only 36% of Americans approve of the job President Donald Trump is doing while 59% disapprove. His approval rating is down almost ten points since he took office in January when his approve-disapprove was 45%-45%. Views of the economy, however, have moved in a positive direction. According to Quinnipiac, only 46% of Americans thought the nation’s economy was “excellent” or “good” in January, while 53% said it was “not so good” or “poor.” Today, 63% (+17) say the economy is “excellent” or “good,” and only 34% say it is “not so good” or “poor.”
Mr. Trump could benefit politically from an improving economic outlook, but other issues stand in his way. Only 31% have a favorable view of the president; 70% say they do not think he is “level-headed;” 62% say he does not “have good leadership skills;” and, probably most problematic, 62% say they do not believe he “cares about average Americans.” Republicans scored a major victory this week by passing tax reform. If the president wants to gain from this historic accomplishment, he must highlight how tax reform will help everyday Americans.