Polling News

Americans Warm On Tax Reform

February 22, 2018

According to a New York Times poll conducted by Survey Monkey, tax reform is becoming more popular.  Fifty-one percent of Americans approve of the new tax law today, while 46% disapprove.  Only 46% of Americans approved of the law in January and just 37% approved of it when passed in December.

Support has increased across party lines.  Among Republicans, approval is up from 80% in December to 89% today, while disapproval is down to 9% from 17%.  Approval among Democrats has more than doubled since December, going from 8% to 19%.  Disapproval among Democrats has dropped 11 points, declining from 90% to 79%.

Over half of Americans believe they will personally benefit from the law.  Thirty-three percent of Americans believe they will get an income tax cut (including 53% of Republicans and 19% of Democrats); 14% think they will see a salary increase (20% Republicans; 9% Democrats); and 8% believe they will receive a bonus or a bigger one (13% Republicans; 4% Democrats).  These numbers should continue moving up as withholding tables are adjusted and companies settle on how they will use their tax savings, all of which should be good news for Republicans.  If Republicans continue promoting getting tax reform passed and its benefits, it can only help come this fall.

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