Polling News

Strengthening the Economy Remains Top Concern

February 23, 2023

The Biden White House has been in overdrive recently making the case the “Biden Economic Plan is working.” They are likely reacting to Pew Research Center’s numbers that the country’s economic situation remains Americans’ top priority, with 75% saying strengthening the economy should be a top priority for the president and Congress this year. Making Medicare sound and reducing the budget deficit are also high on the list.

Why It Matters: Strengthening the economy is not a partisan issue. Voters in both parties believe this should be a top priority for the president. A growing number of Republicans and Democrats also believe reducing the budget deficit should be a priority.   

By The Numbers

  • 84% of Republicans, 75% of Independents, and 68% of Democrats believe strengthening the economy needs to be a top priority. These are slightly down from 2021, when those numbers were 85%, 80%, and 75%, respectively.
  • Meanwhile, 71% of Republicans, 57% of Independents, and 44% of Democrats believe the president and Congress should focus on reducing the deficit. In 2021, only 54% of Republicans, 42% of Independents, and 29% of Democrats prioritized lowering the deficit.

Historical Context: The number of Americans who say deficit reduction should be a top priority has increased 17 points among Republicans and 15 points among Democrats in the last two years, and 8 and 13 points over just the last year, respectively.

The Bottom Line: Regardless of what Democrats and President Biden say, Americans are still feeling economic strain and are growing more concerned about the bloated federal budget and unsustainable deficit. Looking ahead to 2024, Republicans should own the economic issues by offering solutions and delivering results.

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