Polling News

Joe Biden Losing to Trump on Nearly Every Issue

February 08, 2024

A new NBC News national poll shows President Joe Biden trails former President Donald Trump on nearly every major issue. There are only three issues that Americans believe Biden would be better on than Trump. 

By the Numbers:

  • As the border crisis continues heating up, Trump has a 35-point advantage over Biden on “securing the border and controlling immigration.” Trump also has a 21-point advantage over the president on “dealing with crime and violence” and an 11-point advantage on “improving America’s standing in the world.” 
  • While the Biden Administration highlights daily economic gains, Trump still has a 22-point advantage over Biden on “dealing with the economy.” 
  • Even on non-issues, Trump has the advantage. Trump has a 16-point advantage over Biden on “being competent and effective,” and a 23-point advantage on “having the necessary mental and physical health to be president.”  

The Bottom Line:  Biden only leads Trump when it comes to “protecting democracy” (by a meager two points), “dealing with the issue of abortion” (+12), and “treating immigrants humanely and protecting immigrant rights (+17). If this election is defined by national security at the border and the economy, Biden has serious mountains to climb. 

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