Polling News

Dissatisfaction Up, Economic Outlook Down

March 10, 2022

As gas prices hit record levels and inflation keeps rising, recent polling from Gallup shows that American satisfaction with the direction of the nation remains low and concerns about the economy’s future remain high.

According to Feb. 2022 Gallup polling, an overwhelming majority—78%—of Americans remain dissatisfied with the country’s direction. That’s down slightly from the Biden Administration’s record in Jan. 2022 (82%) but shows that very little has changed a year into the Biden Administration. Dissatisfaction hit its low in May (62%), but did not stay there long, rising quickly as fast as grocery and gas prices rose over the last few months.

When asked what the most important problem facing the country is, a net 30% of Americans cited economic problems. These included inflation (10%), unemployment (2%), the wealth gap (2%), federal debt (2%), and the economy at large (11%). Another 20% cited the government/poor leadership as the nation’s largest problem. Additionally, those rating the current economic condition as poor hit 42%—the highest since May 2020. Similarly, 70% say the outlook for the economy is getting worse (the highest number since April 2020).

With economic conditions worsening for working Americans, it’s evident that the economy will play a very significant role in the 2022 midterms. When asked if the President had a message for the American people on gas prices this week, President Biden responded “They’re going to go up.” When asked what he could do about it, the president responded “Can’t do much right now. Russia is responsible.”

With sorry excuses like that, Republicans must not give the Biden Administration and Democrats a free pass. Energy prices were rising well before Ukraine. Every Republican candidate should have a kitchen table agenda and solutions to turn around an economy in decline. Americans crave leadership and will look to support candidates who show they care about them and their concerns and have common sense ideas to make things better.


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