Polling News

Which Party Do Voters Trust On Key Issues?

March 02, 2017

A recent Morning Consult/POLITICO poll found voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on key issues like the economy, jobs, and immigration.  Forty-seven percent of voters said they trust Republicans to handle the economy and jobs, compared to 34% who said they trust Democrats on the economy and 35% who said they trust Democrats on jobs.  Forty-five percent of voters said they trust Republicans on immigration, while just 36% said they trust Democrats.

Voters are not as confident, however, that Republicans will do a better job handling health care, Medicare, and Medicaid.  Forty-two percent of voters trust Democrats to handle health care compared to 40% who trust Republicans.  Voters also trust Democrats more on Medicaid (42% to 36%) and Medicare (43% to 37%).  These numbers should concern Republicans as they begin the process of repealing and replacing ObamaCare.  They must gain the trust of voters by presenting viable replacement solutions to the broken health care system, not just plans to repeal ObamaCare and cut Medicaid. 

Still, this is generally good news for Republicans.  President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans promised to stimulate the economy, create jobs, and increase prosperity.  Delivering on these issues is critical to electoral success next year. 


Note: Morning Consult is an online survey.  Its final nationwide 2016 general election match-up predicted Hillary Clinton would win by three percentage points.  They were close, as she won the national popular vote 48.3% to 45.94%, a difference of 2.36 points.       


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