Polling News

Immigration Now Top Issue

March 21, 2024

More Americans now believe immigration is the top issue facing the country than believed it a month ago, according to recent Gallup numbers. The last time immigration was ranked the nation’s top issue was in 2019.

By The Numbers:

  • Twenty-eight percent of Americans believe immigration is the biggest issue facing the country, up from 20% about a month ago. July 2019 was the last time immigration was the number one issue.  

  • Government was the top issue last month, as 21% of Americans said it was the most important problem. That’s down to 20% today. 

  • Inflation was the third biggest problem last month (13%), but it was slightly edged out in the latest poll by the economy in general (12% today to inflation’s 11%).     

The Bottom Line: The two main issues facing Americans every day are the economy (inflation) and the border crisis. Voters feel the impact of inflation at the grocery and while paying rent and utility bills. They see the immigration crisis in the daily barrage of news stories about record numbers of illegal migrants crossing the border, horrendous murders committed by illegals, and the Biden Administration’s mishandling of the issue. Biden’s attempt to now address housing prices may help him in the economic bucket, but if his campaign doesn’t learn how to address growing concerns about the border and the fallout from it, he will not be able to recover.

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