Polling News

Unfavorable View of Both Trump and Biden

March 28, 2024

Roughly a quarter of Americans have an unfavorable view of both presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump, says a recent Pew Research Center poll

By The Numbers:

  • Thirty-four percent of Americans have a favorable view of Biden, not Trump. Thirty-seven percent of Americans have a favorable view of Trump, not Biden.   

  • A quarter of Americans, 26%, have an unfavorable view of both Biden and Trump. 

  • The “double-negative” is more prominent among young voters (41%), voters who lean Democrat (38%) or lean Republican (35%), Independents (37%) and Hispanics (31%). 

The Bottom Line: It’s no surprise Americans have a negative view of both Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump and don’t want a 2020 rematch. What’s more interesting is these negative views are driven mostly by groups of swing voters like the young, Hispanics, and Independents. These groups will make the critical difference in the fall election. In the coming months, candidates must keep an eye on public sentiment on issues like the economy, inflation, the border, and national security to see who these swing groups start to trust more. 

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