Polling News

American Concern Over Crime & Violence at Highest Level Since 2016

April 14, 2022

Just over a year into Democratic control in Washington and after new leadership was installed at the Justice and Homeland Security Departments and immigration policy was relaxed, recent polling by Gallup shows that worries among Americans about crime have reached their highest levels since 2016.

When asked whether they worried about crime and violence a great deal, a fair amount, only a little, 53% of Americans responded a great deal—a level not seen since the last year of the Obama Administration. More importantly, 80% said they worried about crime a great deal or a fair amount – the highest level seen in 16 years. Overall, 58% of women worry about crime a great deal, while 48% of men feel the same way. A majority (55%) of those 30 and up worry a great deal as well. 61% of Republicans and 43% of Democrats feel the same way.

The reasons are many – including crime back on the rise, the failed policies of the Biden Administration, the porous Southern border, fentanyl-filled communities, and police again concerned they have a president who doesn’t have their backs – but it’s clear Americans are worried about crime and violence. Republicans should face this issue by focusing on why crime and violence have risen to be an issue in the minds of voters and describe how a Republican majority will bring about constructive change.

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