Polling News

Direction of Country at All-Time Low

May 19, 2022

The number of Americans who say the country is on the wrong track is the highest it’s been since Oct. 2008, according to a recent NBC News poll. Seventy-five percent of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, compared to just 16% who say it’s on the right track. These numbers are worse than any time during COVID-19 or any other time since the fall of 2008 when Americans were concerned about the economy because of the 2008 Wall Street crash.

In the same NBC News poll, only 39% of Americans approve of the job President Joe Biden is doing, compared to 56% who disapprove. This could be directly related to the challenges facing the country, including a national shortage of baby formula and the continued inflation that’s driven up the cost of living. That is likely why 62% of Americans expressed disapproval of Biden’s handling of the economy and 71% disapprove of his job performance on the cost of living. Only 33% approve of Biden’s handling of the economy and 23% approve of his handling cost of living issues.

Mr. Biden and fellow Democrats continue to sound tone-deaf on the kitchen table issues that Americans must deal with every day. With rapidly declining approval numbers like these, they would be wise to change their policy direction sooner than later.

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