The Washington Post noted that there were two key groups that helped Joe Biden get across the finish line in 2020: non-White voters and voters under 30 years old. According to Fox News polling analyzed by The Washington Post, these voters are disenchanted and disappointed in their 2020 pick.
By The Numbers:
In 2020, Pew Research Center had Biden up 24 points with voters under 30. Today Fox News has Biden tied with Trump with voters under 35, and lagging with voters under 45.
In 2020, Pew had Biden up 84 points with black voters. Today Fox News has Biden only up 49 points.
When Robert F. Kennedy is added to the mix, The Washington Post found that he pulls more from these two groups as well.
The Bottom Line: A lack of enthusiasm is very troublesome for Mr. Biden since younger voters and non-white voters were less enthusiastic about voting in 2024 than they were in 2020. Moreover, Trump supporters are more motivated to vote for Trump instead of Biden, while half of Biden voters are voting for Biden and half are voting against Trump. This suggests a real opportunity for Trump and Republicans down the ticket. Democrats have let them down on a number of fronts and underwhelmed in their performance the last four years.