Polling News

Biden, Trump Tied for at Depressing Low Favorable Numbers

June 15, 2023

It’s clear Americans want new leadership, according to a recent ABC News/Ipsos poll. Only 31% (less than 1/3) have favorable views of both the sitting president and the former president. Both men’s unfavorable numbers are over 50%. 

Why It Matters: As the 2024 election churns along, the sitting Democratic president and the presumptive GOP front-runner, himself a former president, both lack strong favorable ratings with Americans. Mr. Trump announced his campaign last fall, while Biden announced his re-election campaign last month. Since each candidate has entered the race, neither candidates has been able to fix their image, a critical task if they’re to convert favorability into ballot share.

By The Numbers:

  • Only 31% have a favorable view of Joe Biden, down from 34% who said the same last month and 46% who said the same last summer. That compares to 52% who have an unfavorable view of the president, up from 48% last month and 40% last summer.
  • Only 31% have a favorable view of Donald Trump, up from 25% who said the same last month, and roughly the same who said the same last summer. 56% have an unfavorable view of the former president, down slightly from the 61% last month and the 60% last summer.


The Bottom Line: It is often said that Democrats are less than enthused with their current standard-bearer, and whispers of concern about his viability in a general election are heard outside the Beltway. Meanwhile, the current leader in the Republican primary doesn’t look much better. Donald Trump will likely see a bump in support as he handles his legal battles, however, his lagging favorability with the broader electorate likely gives Democratic strategists solace. Both parties currently lack a leader who can appeal to the country as a whole, especially independent voters in swing states and districts.  

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