Polling News

Biden Approval Hits New All-Time Low

June 16, 2022

It’s not too surprising that Quinnipiac polling shows President Joe Biden’s approval has hit the lowest point in his presidency. Soaring inflation, lack of major policy breakthroughs, and dismal leadership at the top has crippled Biden’s ability to maintain positive public sentiment. As seen in the GOP victory in Tuesday’s TX- CD34 special election, this sentiment is being felt down the ballot.

Biden’s approval has lingered in the 39%-41% range for most of his presidency, but the new 33% approve/54% disapprove this week in Quinnipiac is the lowest in an outside poll for the president.  Biden’s numbers are particularly bad among 18–34-year-olds and 50–64-year-olds, where his disapproval reaches 58%. Many in these age groups are among those most impacted by the historic inflation that’s been unchecked by the Biden Administration.

The Biden Administration has tried making the 2nd Amendment, abortion, and other issues the focus of the midterms, but has been unsuccessful so far. Despite controlling Congress and the Presidency, Democrats have also failed to make progress on their biggest policy initiatives, likely due to the radical nature of the legislation they’ve pushed. Their Green New Deal and massive expansion of the welfare state with Build Back Better haven’t won Democrats points with Americans. These initiatives cause voters to wonder why the White House hasn’t focused on inflation and the rising cost of living issues.

If Democrats keep failing to take meaningful steps to address the kitchen table issues that affect all Americans, Republicans have an opportunity to fill the void. The GOP must make these issues the center of the fall campaign and expand their advantage on them by offering meaningful answers that families most affected by rising prices believe will help them.


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