Polling News

Partisan View Of Today’s News Media

July 13, 2017

Partisan View Of Today’s News Media: The Pew Research Center survey on how Americans think certain institutions impact today’s society found stark opinion differences.  More Republicans than Democrats say churches (73% GOP-50% DEM) and banks and financial institutions (46%-33%) have a positive effect on the way things are going in the country.  Meanwhile, more Democrats believe labor unions (59% DEM-33% GOP) and college and universities (72%-36%) have a positive effect.

One more telling finding, however, is the partisan split on how Americans see the news media’s effect.  While both parties are skeptical, Republicans are warier and Democrats more positive than in past years.  Today, only 44% of Democrats consider news media to have a positive effect while 46% say it has a negative effect.  That compares to 48%-39% among Democrats in 2010. 

Only 10% of Republicans today say the news media has a positive effect while 85% say it has a negative impact.  That compares to 2010, when 24% of Republicans said the news media had a positive effect and 68% a negative effect on the way things were going.

This growing divide may impact the next election cycle.  How news outlets address voter skepticism and how political candidates handle and respond to coverage will influence the midterm election conversation around America next year.

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