Polling News

When Should Senate Vote On Trump’s SCOTUS Nominee?

July 05, 2018

Democrats’ response to Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement has been embarrassing.  The Left has been fear-mongering over the Supreme Court vacancy’s effect on every issue from abortion to healthcare.  One of the biggest protests so far has come from Senate Democrats who say they should not vote on a new nominee until after the November elections.  A new NBC News/Survey Monkey poll, however, finds a majority of Americans disagree. 

Sixty-two percent of Americans “believe the Republican-led Senate should vote on President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee before the November midterm elections.”  Only 33% say the Senate should wait until after the midterms to vote on the Supreme Court pick.

Looking at the 2018 election, 66% of Democrats say the Supreme Court pick will be an “important factor” in their vote, while 60% of Republicans and 46% of Independents say the same.  Democrats argue they need to give Americans the chance to vote before confirming the next Justice.  What they forget, however, is that voters already have.  In the 2016 presidential election, 70% said appointments to the Supreme Court would be the “most important or an important factor” in their vote, according to exit polls.  Mr. Trump won that group by 49% to Hillary Clinton’s 46%.

Americans made their voices heard in November 2016 when they elected the president who would be nominating new justices to the Supreme Court.  So the Senate Democratic line of attack may rile up a small percentage of that party’s base, but it will not sway many Independents and may energize Republicans.

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