Polling News

2016 Electoral Map By Device-Usage

July 06, 2017

The 2016 election results have been broken down by many demographics and criteria, but how does last year’s Electoral College map look when based on voters’ device usage?  Axios highlighted exit poll data from SurveyMonkey, an internet survey of approximately three million people, and found that President Donald Trump’s performance was strongest among Windows-users. 

According to SurveyMonkey, an Electoral College map of only Windows-users gave President Trump 329 Electoral College votes to Hillary Clinton’s 209.  According to this analysis, Windows-users propelled Mr. Trump to victory in close states like Florida, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.  He also won IOS-users with 291 Electoral College votes to Mrs. Clinton’s 217.  Mrs. Clinton overwhelmingly won Mac-users (443 Electoral College votes to 58) and Android-users (353 Electoral College votes to 144), but it was not enough to counter Mr. Trump’s advantage with voters who use Windows and IOS.

These results are a reminder that campaigns must focus on rapidly changing technologies and digital mediums when targeting voters.  Doing so will not only help build an accurate profile of targeted voters, but allow the campaign to reach them with a message and through a medium that is best suited to them.

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