Polling News

Historic Comparison Of Trump Approval On Economy

September 14, 2017

Pres. Donald Trump’s job approval rating on handling the economy after eight months in office is higher than that of most modern-day presidents at this point of their first terms. 

According to the latest Gallup poll, 51% of Americans say they approve of Mr. Trump’s handling of the economy.  Pres. George W. Bush is the only president with a higher economic job approval rating at this point in his first term (72%).  Mr. Bush’s strong rating was likely a reflection of the national unity following 9/11; however, his Gallup job approval rating on handling the economy a few months earlier was still high at 54%.  Presidents Barack Obama, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton all experienced lower job approval ratings on the economy – 46%, 44%, and 39%, respectively – at this point in office (Gallup did not ask this question at this point in Pres. George H.W. Bush’s term).

These numbers suggest Americans have confidence in Mr. Trump’s plans to cut taxes, reduce regulations and bring middle class jobs back to America.  Tax reform is his next big opportunity to not only deliver on a major campaign promise, but also perform on an issue where voters expect him to do well.  If he and congressional Republicans can achieve this, it could improve his overall job approval going into 2018 midterm elections and boost Republican candidates across the country.

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