Polling News

Hillary Trails Republican Candidates In Key Swing States

October 14, 2015

The first Democratic debate demonstrated that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the only serious contender for the Democratic nomination. Yet, new data shows that Mrs. Clinton still falls to Republican candidates in key swing states.

An October 12 Fox News poll matched four of the fifteen Republicans running them against Hillary Clinton among voters in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, Ohio, and Virginia. When going headLtoLhead with neurosurgeon Ben Carson, 50% of voters said they would vote for Dr. Carson and 39% said they would vote for Mrs. Clinton. She lags behind businessman Donald Trump by five percentage points, 45% to 40%. Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush leads Mrs. Clinton by four points, 44% to 40%. Former Hewlett Packard CEO Carly Fiorina also beat her, 42% to 39%.

While Mrs. Clinton may be on her way to a coronation, Republican candidates lead her in many key states. As more Americans come to view Mrs. Clinton as dishonest and untrustworthy, and less people believe she cares about people like them, her numbers may continue to fall in battleground states. Source: Fox News

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