Polling News

Most Americans Think Government Regulates Business Too Much

September 23, 2015

Recent polls have shown a widespread and growing distrust of Washington. It is no surprise, then, that many Americans think that the government plays too large of a role in regulating business and industry.

A recent Gallup poll found that 49% of Americans think there is too much government regulation. An average of 48% of Americans have said that government regulates business too much since the beginning of President Obama's presidency, compared to an average of 36% under the two terms of President George W. Bush. Only 21% of Americans today say that government regulates business too little.

Since 2008, the number of Republicans who believe there is too much government regulation has increased 56% to 79% today. Among Independents, the share thinking there is too much regulation has risen from 38% in 2008 to 46%. During the same period, even the number of Democrats who think there is too much regulation has increased, from 23% in 2008 to 26% today, and saw a four-point increase over the last year, up from 22% in 2014.

Even after the recession began in December 2007, there has not been a surge in the number of people who want to increase government regulation. It would seem that most Americans would take well to presidential candidates who advocate for less government regulation, not more, in business and industry.

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