Polling News

Winning The Voter Registration Race

October 06, 2016

Both parties are focused on registering their voters before registration deadlines across the country.  So far, Republicans are doing better in key battlegrounds.  According to data from Secretary of States’ websites compiled by Fox News, Republicans have made gains in voter registration in Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, while Democrats have gained in Arizona and Colorado.

In Florida, Republican registration is up 162,227 voters since 2012 and Democratic registration is down 136,669 voters.  In Iowa, Republicans are up 19,423 voters since the last presidential election, while Democrats shed 13,566 from their rolls.  In Nevada, Republicans have added 22,668 voters and Democrats have only added 4,118, while in New Hampshire, Republicans are up 19,632 compared to Democrats’ increase of 18,905 voters.  In North Carolina, Republicans are down 20,569 voters since 2012, but Democrats have shed a whopping 190,092; and in Pennsylvania, Republicans have added 39,593 voters while 178,128 Democrats fell off the voter roll.  Democrats gained strength in Colorado where they added 82,456 voters to Republicans’ 52,065 and in Arizona, where Democrats added 66,119 to Republicans’ 64,031.

Both parties have limited time to get supporters registered and motivated to vote on Election Day.  If they finish strong, Republicans are poised to win the registration race this time around.

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