Polling News

Voters Skeptical of Clinton's Private Emails

September 16, 2015

Though Mrs. Clinton stands by her claim that her handling of her private server and emails while at the State Department was "allowed," recent data demonstrates that voters think otherwise.

According to a recent Washington Post/ABC poll, 55% of voters think Mrs. Clinton broke government regulations buy using her personal e-mail, compared to 31% who think she stayed within government regulations. Fifty-four percent of Independents and 76% of Republicans think she broke regulations, whereas 26% of Independents and 53% of Democrats believe she stayed within regulations. The same poll shows that 59% of voters think that she tried to cover up the facts about her use of personal e-mail, versus 33% who think she honestly disclosed the facts. A majority of Republicans believe she attempted to hide the facts (83%), as do 59% of Independents. Only 30% of Independents think she was honest, along with 58% of Democrats.

Voters clearly do not believe Mrs. Clinton's excuses and think that she intentionally covered up her misdoings. It is no wonder she is having a difficult time convincing voters she is honest and trustworthy.

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