Hemingway, a senior editor at The Federalist, and Carrie Severino, chief counsel and policy director at the Judicial Crisis Network and a Harvard Law School grad who clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, have written a deeply researched and richly informed history of the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearing that will leave you deeply troubled about the Left’s willingness to attack the Supreme Court’s legitimacy by wrecking one man’s reputation with an all-out; no-holds-barred assault. Worse yet, the authors write, “no one on the left is walking away from the Kavanaugh confirmation chastened.” So expect more battles like this in the future.
After three years preparing The Triumph of William McKinley by reading very little but books, letters, articles and newspapers from the Gilded Age, I’m trying to get back into my regular routine, which I’ll chronicle here with an occasional review of what I’ve read.