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March 19, 2009 |
Worth Noting
The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) today released its analysis of the Obama budget, which increases spending, taxes, deficits, and debt even more than previously thought.  I’ve visited with a knowledgeable budget expert with Hill and White House experi...
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March 18, 2009 |
President Barack Obama and his West Wing lieutenants are playing on the world's largest stage, yet act as if no one is watching them when they contradict their campaign promises. That behavior is unwittingly giving the Republicans an opening....
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March 17, 2009 |
Worth Noting
Karl Rove retired in 2007 as President George W. Bush's deputy chief of staff, ace political strategist and mastermind of public policy. But Rove -- aka "Satan" to liberals and not always popular with limited-government conservatives, either -- is very mu...
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March 16, 2009 |
Worth Noting
Join Karl Rove for #TWITTERIVIA every Tuesday! Here's how it works: Karl Rove will Twitter a trivia question at 10:00 PM Eastern on the dot via TweetLater (a scheduled Tweet). The first person to send the correct answer (spelling included) to @karlrove wi...
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March 16, 2009 |
Worth Noting
By choosing Fort Bragg for her first official trip outside the capital last Thursday, Michelle Obama signaled that she will use her position as First Lady to promote one of America's most deserving causes: our military families. Plainly the families love...
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March 11, 2009 |
Presidents throughout history have kept lists of political foes. But the Obama White House is the first I am aware of to pick targets based on polls. Even Richard Nixon didn't focus-group his enemies list....
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March 10, 2009 |
Worth Noting
IN THE wake of a stinging defeat in federal court, former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman has intensified his political campaign to overturn his 2006 conviction on corruption charges.Mr. Siegelman, who was interviewed Monday on CNN, continues to proclaim his i...
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March 04, 2009 |
Barack Obama won the presidency in large measure because he presented himself as a demarcation point. The old politics, he said, was based on "spin," misleading arguments, and an absence of candor. He'd "turn the page" on that style of politics. ...

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