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May 15, 2013 |
The Obama administration finds itself in perilous political waters amid three unfolding scandals.First came last week's congressional testimony by three highly credible officials, plus some excellent reporting, which showed that the Obama administration c...
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May 08, 2013 |
In the debate over what the United States should do about the increasingly violent civil war in Syria, one thing seemed clear: If the Assad regime used chemical weapons, it would cross a "red line," as President Barack Obama put it in August. Such a move,...
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May 01, 2013 |
Last week Sen. Max Baucus (D. Mont.) announced that he would not seek a seventh term. His retirement makes it even more likely the GOP will make gains in the U.S. Senate next year. Of the 35 Senate seats up for grabs next year, 21 are held by Democrats, ...
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April 24, 2013 |
The dedication in Dallas on Thursday of the George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum has triggered a lot of talk about the legacy of America's 43rd chief executive, and of the issues that arose between 2001 and 2009. But it should also be a time to ...
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April 17, 2013 |
In congressional testimony last week, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius blamed Republican governors for her department's failure to create a "model exchange" where consumers could shop for health-insurance coverage in states that don't...
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April 10, 2013 |
President Obama likes pretending he floats above politics. In fact, he is the most compulsively partisan president in modern times. Everything he says and does is better understood through a partisan lens. So consider the recent Washington Post article i...
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April 03, 2013 |
The midterm election is still 19 months away, but for some it's never too early for demagoguery. And so this week the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee launched a new "Mediscare" ad. The targets are 17 Republican congressmen who supported the Ho...
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March 27, 2013 |
Maybe Majority Leader Harry Reid didn't want a lot of attention as the United States Senate voted on a budget resolution for the first time in four years. Or maybe he's a Las Vegas night owl. Whatever the reason, it was 5 a.m. last Saturday when the Sena...

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