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January 16, 2013 |
As President Obama prepares to be sworn in a second time, it's a good moment to consider the state of the union during his era.As of his first inaugural, 134.379 million Americans were working and unemployment was 7.3%. Four years later, 134.021 million a...
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January 09, 2013 |
President Obama says he won't negotiate with Republicans over his proposed more than $1 trillion increase in the debt ceiling as a matter of principle because Congress "should pay the bills that they have already racked up."Set aside the obvious—that he c...
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January 02, 2013 |
A year ago, I offered political predictions for 2012. It's time to assess what I got right and wrong—and to make some predictions for 2013....
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December 26, 2012 |
President Barack Obama wasn't in the Christmas spirit during recent discussions with Speaker John Boehner to avoid the fiscal cliff. According to a recent report in The Wall Street Journal, when Mr. Boehner asked what he would get for offering $800 billi...
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December 19, 2012 |
Since the election, House Speaker John Boehner has emerged as that Washington rarity, the adult in charge. To keep the country from plunging over the fiscal cliff, he has dealt with a president uninterested in compromise while leading a GOP House caucus u...
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December 12, 2012 |
As the country waits to see if Washington avoids plummeting over the "fiscal cliff," let's consider what President Obama's demands reveal about his motivations....
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December 05, 2012 |
President Barack Obama has clear advantages in the public-opinion contest over the fiscal cliff. He recently won re-election, Democrats increased their Senate majority and the GOP controls only the House. In the Nov. 25 ABC News/Washington Post poll, 60% ...
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November 28, 2012 |
With a big assist from Ohio, the president clinched a second term after a tough fight. In his victory statement, he pledged to "continue our economic progress" and see "our servicemen and women . . . come home." There were high hopes and a belief he had a...

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