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August 10, 2011 |
Following the passage of the unpopular debt-ceiling bill and a barrage of awful economic numbers, the Standard & Poor's downgrade of America's credit rating capped the worst week of Barack Obama's presidency....
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August 03, 2011 |
After big events like Tuesday's debt-ceiling vote, Washington goes into overdrive to declare who won and who lost. But politics is more complex and less binary than that. In this case, neither party helped itself with the public during this struggle....
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July 27, 2011 |
This Sunday, while Congress will continue battling over the debt ceiling at one end of Pennsylvania Avenue, across town where Georgetown begins, at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and M Street, Furin's restaurant will close after 27 years....
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July 20, 2011 |
President Barack Obama gave quite a performance at last Friday's news conference....
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July 13, 2011 |
President Barack Obama and Congress face a mess if the federal government hits the debt ceiling Aug. 2....
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July 06, 2011 |
The weaker the hand Barack Obama has to play, the more sanctimonious he becomes....
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July 05, 2011 |
Paul Begala’s faux-praise in The Daily Beast last week of my work with American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS was amusing and revealing. ...
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June 29, 2011 |
High unemployment, anemic growth, defections in key groups such as independents and Hispanics, and unpopular policies are among the reasons President Obama is unlikely to win re-election...

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