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May 25, 2011 |
Five and a half weeks after House Republicans passed their budget, Democrats and liberal pundits have decided it is political kryptonite that will fatally weaken the GOP....
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May 18, 2011 |
At last Wednesday's "CBS Town Hall," President Obama said he was "trying to . . . figure out how we can get the banks to do more" on modifying mortgage loan payments....
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May 11, 2011 |
It was a fitting end: The brutal terrorist who aspired to create an Islamic caliphate that stretched from the Straits of Malacca to Gibraltar was found hiding in a walled compound, isolated and reduced to communicating in fitful spurts by courier....
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May 04, 2011 |
The number 270 will come to dominate almost every waking moment for the Obama re-election high command in Chicago—as well as for their counterparts in the headquarters of the GOP nominee next year....
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April 27, 2011 |
President Barack Obama's re-election campaign is now up and operating. It's an interesting amalgam: Tactically, it's Bushian—but strategically, it's Nixonian....
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April 20, 2011 |
The debate over this year's budget is over. Next up: an even more contentious battle over raising the debt ceiling....
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April 13, 2011 |
President Obama's wild rhetorical gyrations have become familiar....
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April 06, 2011 |
In the White House Press Room on Tuesday, President Barack Obama did what comes naturally—scold others, in this case the Congress. Mr. Obama complained that a budget agreement "could have gotten done three months ago."...

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