Polling News

Republicans Close The Enthusiasm Gap

October 04, 2018

In July, Democrats had a ten-point advantage in voter enthusiasm over Republicans, according to a NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.  Seventy-eight percent of Democratic voters said the midterms are “very important” compared to 68% of Republicans.  The latest numbers from NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist show that enthusiasm gap has closed, however.  Today, in response to the Democrats’ handling of Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court confirmation, 82% of Democratic voters say the November elections are “very important,” compared to 80% of Republicans.  Enthusiasm among Independents has stayed roughly the same: in July, 64% of independents said the fall elections are “very important.”  Today, 65% say that.

Democratic men are slightly more focused on the election compared to Republican men.  Eighty-eight percent say the midterms are “very important,” compared to 78% of Republican men.  Republican women, however, are more enthusiastic than Democratic women by 83% to 79%.  Looking at some of the demographics Democrats have targeted to stimulate a “blue wave,” enthusiasm is not at high tide.  Only 60% of voters ages 18-29 say November’s elections are “very important,” compared to 80% of those ages 45-69 and 86% of those over 60 years old.  Only 66% of African Americans and 61% of Latinos say the elections are “very important,” compared to 80% of white voters.

While Senate liberals have tried to smear a good man to derail his nomination and energize their base, these numbers show it has not had the desired effect.  In fact, it may have had the reverse effect, energizing conservative voters who see through the Democratic attacks and are disgusted by their antics. 

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