Polling News

Trump’s Uptick

May 24, 2018

President Donald Trump’s job approval rating has been on an upward trend recently, in part, according to SurveyMonkey tracking, to an improving perception he is someone who “can get things done.”

Americans’ views of Mr. Trump have declined since his Inauguration on all the characteristics SurveyMonkey tracks: “Stands up for what he believes in” (42% in February 2017-39% today); “Tough enough for the job” (34% in February 2017-33% today); “Can get things done” (37% in February 2017-34% today); “Keeps his promises” (29% in February-22% today); “Effective manager” (25% in February 2017-21% today); “Cares about people like you” (21% in February 2017-19% today); “Inspires confidence” (21% in February 2017-18% today); “Shares your values” (19% in February 2017-16% today); and “Honest and trustworthy” (16% in February 2017-13% today). 

Mr. Trump’s numbers have begun rising on one of these measures, however, and it might be lifting his overall approval according to SurveyMonkey.  From April-June 2017, the percentage of Americans who said Mr. Trump “can get things done” dropped to 31%.  By December 2017, that number dropped further to 27%.  But from January to May 2018, however, this number has improved.  After successes like the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, passage of tax reform, progress on North Korea, and an improving economy, 34% percent of Americans believe the president is someone who “can get things done.”

This is helpful for the president’s party as the Midterm Elections get closer: it will help Republicans if voters believe they and the president can get things done.  


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