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June 06, 2012 |
We'll be talking about Tuesday's Wisconsin recall election for a long time to come. The results were a historic setback for organized labor, which failed to oust Gov. Scott Walker in a citadel of modern progressivism. And how it must have stung that 38% ...
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May 30, 2012 |
President Barack Obama and Gov. Mitt Romney may be dead even in the polls, but some pundits insist the president will prevail on Election Day because 2012 is the new 2004....
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May 23, 2012 |
On Tuesday, Gallup's seven-day tracking poll had Barack Obama and Mitt Romney tied at 46%. With the incumbent stuck below 50% on the ballot and Mr. Romney's favorability rising, the Republican challenger has a good shot at winning. To take the White Hous...
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May 16, 2012 |
May has been a bad month for President Obama's re-election campaign. Let's review some of the lowlights. First, Team Obama politicized the anniversary of Osama bin Laden's death on May 2 by releasing a video claiming that Mitt Romney would not have order...
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May 09, 2012 |
President Barack Obama's re-election organization is spending a lot of time attacking Mitt Romney over his careers in venture capital (investing in start-ups) and private equity (investing in troubled or failing businesses)....
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May 02, 2012 |
Considering Team Obama's behavior regarding the killing of Osama bin Laden, I can truly say, What a difference a decade makes....
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April 30, 2012 |
Many Americans think Washington is broken, out of touch and unaccountable. For good reason: When it comes to jobs and economic growth, Washington often just can’t get it right. Consider how the Obama administration has made a mess of important opportuniti...
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April 25, 2012 |
We've entered the silly season when vast numbers of words will be expended on who Mitt Romney's vice presidential running mate should be. Since the actual announcement is likely to be made shortly before the Aug. 31 GOP convention, we'll have to endure...

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