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February 01, 2012 |
Newt Gingrich had a bad night Tuesday: After framing the Florida primary as the "tea party versus the cocktail party," he lost among tea party supporters, according to the exit polls that cable and broadcast networks sponsor as a consortium....
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January 25, 2012 |
In a rare moment of senior-presidential-adviser-to-senior-presidential-adviser telepathy, I overheard the private thoughts of David Axelrod as he prepared to appear on television Tuesday night, following President Barack Obama's State of the Union address...
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January 18, 2012 |
Battered but standing, Mitt Romney emerged from Monday's presidential debate still the front-runner. Newt Gingrich was at the top of his game, likely earning him at least the silver in South Carolina....
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January 11, 2012 |
In an open race for the GOP nomination, no Republican has won both Iowa and New Hampshire, as Mitt Romney has. No one has come in fourth or fifth in New Hampshire, as Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum did, and become the nominee....
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January 04, 2012 |
Not long ago few thought Mitt Romney could win both the very conservative Iowa caucuses and then the quirky, slightly contrarian New Hampshire primary....
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December 28, 2011 |
As New Year's approaches, here are a baker's dozen predictions for 2012....
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December 21, 2011 |
This month, during a speech in Osawatomie, Kan., and in an interview on "60 Minutes," President Barack Obama laid out the broad contours of his re-election strategy. Republicans would be wise to examine his words and prepare accordingly....
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December 14, 2011 |
'Sloppy looking . . . hack . . . bad person . . . so-called pundit." What sin prompted these classy insults from Donald Trump?...

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