Despite the Biden Administration’s attempt to paint a rosy economic picture, a Bureau of Labor Statistics report this week revealed consumer prices increased by 3.7% in August.
New polling from the Associated Press and NORC at the University of Chicago says a majority of Americans will not vote for former President Donald Trump if he is the GOP nominee for President in 2024.
It’s common knowledge that partisanship has increased over time, but a new analysis from Gallup finds these partisan lines have grown even further apart along policy lines.
A recent study from the Pew Research Center found that even though 2022 was a mixed bag for Republicans, they took control of the U.S. House of Representatives in large part because of their strength in higher turnout compared to Democrats.
According to this year’s Gallup poll measuring the retrospective approval ratings of past presidents, seven of the nine previous presidents receive net-positive retrospective approval ratings.