Polling News

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August 31, 2017 |
Polling News
Most Republicans agree with President Donald Trump on the issues, according to a latest Pew Research poll, but most also have a mixed view of his conduct after seven months in office.  ...
Placeholder polling news
August 24, 2017 |
Polling News
FiveThirtyEight.com highlighted a recent SurveyMonkey poll of voters who reluctantly supported President Donald Trump in 2016.  ...
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August 17, 2017 |
Polling News
The Wall Street Journal recently highlighted Gallup data that measured political preferences in exurban areas.  ...
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August 10, 2017 |
Polling News
Presidential Job Approval After First 200 Days: Monday marked President Donald Trump’s 200th day in office.  According to Gallup, 37% of Americans approve of the job the president has done thus far and 59% of Americans disapprove.  ...
Placeholder polling news
August 03, 2017 |
Polling News
My Wall Street Journal column last week noted the White House has had a tumultuous first six months.  ...
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July 27, 2017 |
Polling News
With about fourteen months until the 2018 Midterms, Republicans – especially those who strongly support President Donald Trump – are more enthusiastic about voting than Democrats and those who disapprove of the president. ...
Placeholder polling news
July 20, 2017 |
Polling News
President Donald Trump has an overall job approval rating of 50% in counties that helped him win the 2016 Election, according to a July 12th NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. ...
Placeholder polling news
July 13, 2017 |
Polling News
The Pew Research Center survey on how Americans think certain institutions impact today’s society found stark opinion differences. ...

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