Polling News

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July 12, 2018 |
Polling News
Democrats must hold ten seats in states President Donald Trump won in 2016 (FL, ND, IN, MO, OH, WV, MI, PA, MT, and WI) and pick up two GOP-held seats to win control of the U.S. Senate.  ...
Placeholder polling news
July 05, 2018 |
Polling News
Democrats’ response to Justice Anthony Kennedy’s retirement has been embarrassing.  The Left has been fear-mongering over the Supreme Court vacancy’s effect on every issue from abortion to healthcare. ...
Placeholder polling news
June 28, 2018 |
Polling News
Now, 56% of Americans say they are “absolutely certain to vote” in November’s Midterm, according to recent Gallup polling. ...
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June 21, 2018 |
Polling News
What do Americans think of the debate over family detainment and separation at the border?  According to a recent CBS News poll, opposition to the family separation policy crosses party lines.  ...
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June 14, 2018 |
Polling News
The party in power during Midterm Elections generally does well when voters are happy with the economy.  But what happens when the president’s approval ratings are lower than average during an economic upturn? ...
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June 07, 2018 |
Polling News
A new CBS News/YouGov Battleground tracker finds control of the U.S. House of Representatives is a toss-up, with a projection of 219 Democrat seats to 216 Republican seats. ...
Placeholder polling news
May 31, 2018 |
Polling News
According to the Pew Research Center, Americans today are split on how they view the U.S.’ efforts to solve world problems, compared with their sentiments over a decade ago.  In 2002, at the start of the Iraq War, 47% of Americans said the U.S. does “too ...
Placeholder polling news
May 24, 2018 |
Polling News
President Donald Trump’s job approval rating has been on an upward trend recently, in part, according to SurveyMonkey tracking, to an improving perception he is someone who “can get things done.” ...

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