The Pew Research Center survey on how Americans think certain institutions impact today’s society found stark opinion differences.
The 2016 election results have been broken down by many demographics and criteria, but how does last year’s Electoral College map look when based on voters’ device usage?
While the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives debate ObamaCare replacements, it is important to remember what is at stake if they do not succeed in their efforts.
There were 142,685 Georgians who voted by absentee ballot or in-person early vote (ABEV) in Tuesday’s special election in Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District, shattering the early vote total in April’s primary.
Virginia’s Gubernatorial Primary: On Tuesday, 908,912 Virginians voted for Democratic and Republican candidates for the Nov. gubernatorial election. Sixty percent (542,812 votes) cast ballots for a Democratic candidate, while 40% (366,100 votes) chose a ...
Early Look At 2018 Generic Ballot: Democrats have a 7.2-point advantage in’s 2018 generic ballot tracker, standing at 44.1% to Republicans’ 36.9%.
Early Voting In GA-06 Special Election: Tuesday was the first day of in-person early voting for the June 20th run-off in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District special election. In the first round of voting in April, Democrat Jon Ossoff failed to hit 50%, ...
Last week’s Wall Street Journal column broke down the political ramifications of President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey. While the president had the right to dismiss the FBI director, polling immediately after the firing confi...