Placeholder polling news
May 16, 2019 |
Polling News
A May WSJ/NBC News poll found Republicans are closing the voter enthusiasm gap. ...
Placeholder polling news
May 09, 2019 |
Polling News
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that President Donald Trump was “becoming self-impeachable.” ...
Placeholder polling news
May 02, 2019 |
Polling News
After weeks of “will he, won’t he,” Joe Biden launched his campaign for president. ...
Placeholder polling news
April 25, 2019 |
Polling News
While President Donald Trump’s 2016 victory was largely due to support from white non-college educated voters, a recent Gallup study found that Republicans have had the advantage with this group for fifteen of the last twenty years.  ...
Placeholder polling news
April 18, 2019 |
Polling News
The first quarter FEC reports for Democratic presidential candidates are in and offer a good glimpse at which candidates have early strength.   ...
Placeholder polling news
April 11, 2019 |
Polling News
In light of new reports that President Donald Trump may be considering reinstating the family-separation policy at the U.S.-Mexico border, it is worth revisiting polling on the issue. ...
Placeholder polling news
April 04, 2019 |
Polling News
According to two new analyses from the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning & Engagement, 2018 youth voter turnout (voters ages 18-29) increased by a bigger percentage than the overall increase in turnout in 27 of the 34 states for wh...
Placeholder polling news
March 28, 2019 |
Polling News
A new Pew Research Center report says most Americans still get their local news from local TV stations instead of other outlets.  ...

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